What to Pack for the Hospital

Your Hospital Bag Checklist: Packing Your Hospital Bag for labour

It’s a good idea to have a labour bag packed and ready to go a 3-4 weeks before your due date. Labour can begin at any time!

Hospital Bag checklist for mom:

Here is a good list of things to bring. Keep in mind, that it is really helpful if your partner knows what is in your bag as well. I’m especially referring to comfort tools. Make sure you have tried them before and give him full license to try everything during the labour to make things a little more comfortable for you.

•Your provincial health insurance card and your health insurance info.
•2 Copies of your birth “plan” or birth wishes.(here is a link to a great online version )
•Massage oil or lotion. One unscented (you are very sensitive to scents in labour) and one with a pleasant, mild smell that comforts you
•Moisturizing lip balm (you will be doing lots of breathing and lips get dry)
•Your own pillow. Hospitals are notoriously short on pillows, and having extras for under your knees or behind your back can make all the difference in comfort (optional).
•Camera and/or video camera, spare batteries and film or memory cards.
•Cell Phone and phone numbers of people you want to call after the birth.
•Small amount of money (eg to buy a magazine, snacks etc)
•Hairbrush and hair clips (you will not want your hair in your face during labour!).
•Toiletries: Shampoo, soap, a razor, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant.
•Very absorbent sanitary pads or adult diapers (eg depends). Not sexy, but very practical when you are in labour.
•Comfortable track suit or 2 pyjamas that open in the front for ease of skin to skin, or are 2 piece, such as a top and bottom. Also makes breastfeeding easier
•breastfeeding ointment such as coconut oil or lanolin(optional).
•Two nursing bras.
•5 pairs of inexpensive underwear.
•Warm socks (two or more pairs).
•Slippers , flip flops or comfortable indoor shoes. Flip flops are ideal because it is hard to bend in pregnancy and you might be in and out of the tub/shower
•Clothing to wear home (items that fit you in the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy.)
•Non-perishable snacks for during and after labour (eg crackers, granola bars, applesauce etc). Think of what dad might like to eat, so he doesn’t have to leave you during labour. The hospital often has popsicles, juice and water available.
•Change of clothes for dad and flip flops for dad if he will be supporting you in the tub or shower
•Comfort tools eg. hot water bottle, rice sock, massagers, massage oil, focal point , music, flip flops for walking, etc.

Hospital Checklist for Baby:

•Package of diapers.
•2 Undershirts/onesies
•3 Sleepers (Pj’s) and 3 hats and 3 receiving blankets
•In winter, a warm baby suit
•Appropriate car seat. (This is the law. You will not be allowed to leave the hospital without one.)

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